What Foods Can I Eat with Invisalign?

What Foods Can I Eat with Invisalign?Dr. Jenny Yoo-Park and the professionals at Palo Alto Orthodontics are used to advising their patients about food restrictions during orthodontic treatment near Redwood City, CA. Their patients undergoing treatment with Invisalign have less restrictive dietary guidelines than do those patients being treated with traditional braces. So what foods can you eat with Invisalign?

The Menu

Foods that could damage traditional braces during eating are not an issue for Invisalign wearers because the trays are removable for meals. They are put aside while eating and are not affected by the food being consumed. When a patient progresses to a new set of Invisalign aligner trays, eating softer foods like pasta, eggs, or yogurt can ease any discomfort associated with chewing that might occur during the adjustment period to the new trays. Dr. Yoo reminds patients to be sure to brush and floss after each meal and before refitting the aligner trays. Sticky or sugary foods can cling to the surfaces of the teeth and promote tooth decay. Refitting the Invisalign trays after eating and not cleaning the teeth immediately will trap this food debris and create an environment for cavities and tooth decay.

The Accompaniments

Invisalign wearers are encouraged to remove the trays before consuming something that might stain them. Smoking and drinking wine while wearing Invisalign clear aligners is not recommended and may permanently stain the trays. Invisalign is made of a clear thermoplastic and is sensitive to heat. Hot liquids may distort the shape of the Invisalign aligner and affect its ability to perform as prescribed.

The Clean Up

Invisalign clear aligner trays are removable by the wearer for brushing, flossing, cleaning the trays, as well as for eating. Because you won’t be wearing your orthodontic appliance during your meal, you can eat as you normally would. Because the trays fit over the surface of the teeth, any food debris already there can cause more damage to the tooth’s enamel. It is important for the wearer to clean their teeth after eating and refitting the Invisalign tray.


Dr. Jenny Yoo-Park and the team at Palo Alto Orthodontics near Redwood City, CA help their patients achieve the most functional, straightest, and healthiest smiles possible using Invisalign clear aligners. For more information about how Invisalign can help you, call: 650-327-2310.

Contact Info

Current Patient: 650-327-2310

New Patient: 650-844-0638

Email: smile@paloaltoorthodontics.com

Fax: 650-999-0710

905 Middlefield Rd, Suite A
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday: By appointment only